Program Components

Teacher Resource Books
A Teacher Resource Book is provided in every Grab-and-Go kit. Inside, you will find all that you need for comprehensive, robust instruction in both languages. Lessons are designed for teachers working with emergent and experienced bilinguals in different educational contexts.

Lessons provide intentional translanguaging opportunities, allowing bilingual learners to flexibly use their full linguistic repertoire as they become bilingual and biliterate.

Student Books
Student texts are provided in both English and Spanish throughout the program. Importantly, these texts are paired book sets, united by the big idea at their core as well as the same academic vocabulary. Thoughtfully selected, connected text pairs provide the primary means for students to explore how the two languages are alike and different. For Cross Linguistic Connections, the Grab-and-Go kits contain 12 copies of each student text. For Preview-View-Review, the Grab-and-Go kits contain 6 copies of each student text.

Online Ancillary Instructional Resources
Essential instructional templates in both Spanish and English are intuitively organized and delivered from the Okapi Digital Literacy™ platform, free of charge for purchasers of the program.

Resources include Anchor Charts, Sentence Stems, Records of Reading/Biliteracy Behaviors, and much more!

Cross Linguistic Connections (CLC)
At the Early and Developing Stages, the program provides 10 self-contained grab-and-go sets (total of 20 for these two stages). Each of these sets contains:
- 48 Student Books (12 copies each of 4 titles in English and Spanish)
- 1 Teacher Resource Book with full instructional support
At the Advanced Stage, each of the eight grab-and-go sets contains:
- 48 Student Books (12 copies each of 4 titles in English and Spanish)
- 1 Teacher Resource Book with full instructional support

Preview-View-Review (PVR)
At the Early and Developing Stages, the program provides 18 self-contained grab-and-go sets (total of 36 for these two stages). Each of these sets contains:
- 24 Student Books (6 copies each of 4 titles in English and Spanish)
- 1 Teacher Resource Book with full instructional support
At the Advanced Stage, each of the ten grab-and-go sets contains:
- 24 Student Books (6 copies each of 4 titles in English and Spanish)
- 1 Teacher Resource Book with full instructional support